Midnight folds
into a new day
that looks and feels
just like the old one;
but the slow arc of the moon
creates a silver path
to follow
© B Morel, 2014
A New Year’s beacon of hope for all those who have traversed a hard year… May you find joyful moments in the year to come, may you find green shoots amongst the cement, may you discover meaning and life beyond yourself, and may poetry find you in all the unlikely places.
Thank you to all who have found this place of the last 18 months, I never would have imagined what a journey this would be. I am sincerely and utterly gobsmacked that anyone reads this who doesn’t have to (i.e. family and friends!) If you’ve never left a comment here before or haven’t introduced yourself, it would mean so much to just say ‘hey!’ Or share your hope for a better year in 2015, or a word that is going to take you through, or your New Year’s dreams and goals. I am looking forward to seeing what the coming months bring.
Peace to you all.
– Bree.x